• Spotknight MC strengths

    More than an MC

    Specific industry knowledge

    e.g. banking / medical / law

    Highly dynamic

    Quick response to real time changes w/ little lead time

    e.g. The show was perfect given vast amount of changes ONE HOUR before show

    Seek Perfection

    Meticulous with continuous intention to perfection

    e.g. Strong script writing & event management experiences

    All-rounded services

    Satisfy your needs on all kinds of events

    e.g. Facebook live, overseas hybrid events, physical events such as ceremony and conferences

    Returns Guarantee

    100% money back if you're not happy about our performance

  • About

    About Yuki

    自小醉心演講的 Yuki畢業於拔萃女書院及香港科技大學工商管理系,毅然離開銀行策略管理經理一職,正式創立專業司儀及演講培訓公司 司博禮,以熱誠帶領,希望將演講培訓發展成像醫生、會計師一樣的專業。


    Yuki曾為國際演講會分區總監,出任哈佛亞洲暨國際關係會議工作坊導師一職及ViuTV 辯論比賽評判,更勇奪南中國區演講亞軍,屢獲報導;現於香港大學、香港中文大學、香港科技大學等九間大學任教演講及司儀課程,為世界各地上市、跨國公司作演講技巧培訓,善於以有系統、高效的方法作培訓及激勵。






    With burning passion in public speaking since young, Yuki founded Spotknight , a professional emceeing & public speaking company. Graduated from Diocesan Girls’ School and HKUST BBA, she decided to leave her strategic banking career by following her passion.


    Yuki was the area director of Toastmasters International. She was nominated as the workshop speaker for Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations and the judge for debating contest of ViuTV. Having crowned as the 1st runner up of public speaking in Southern China, she is regularly featured in different media. With systematic and highly effective tools on hand,


    she is also an outstanding public speaking trainer for both local and overseas multinational corporations. Currently, she is also teaching presentation and emceeing skills in nine universities including the University of Hong Kong , The Chinese University of Hong Kong and The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.


    To create an extraordinary experience for our clients, our team have a strong mastery in multiple languages and 1000+ event hosting experience. Long term clients include Hong Kong Trade Development Council , DBS Bank and SCMP etc We provide an all-rounded hosting service not limited to annual dinner, press conference, seminars ,mall events and private parties.


    Yuki's dream is to make everyone a confident speaker.

    學歷 Academic Background

    九間大學之溝通課程導師 Guest Lecturer in Nine Universities

    哈佛亞洲暨國際關係會議 (HPAIR) Skill Workshop Speaker

    身心語言學培訓師 NLP Practitioner

    卡耐基高效溝通技巧班畢業生 Graduate of Dale Carnegie High Impact Presentation
    香港科技大學工商管理系市場學及組織管理 HKUST BBA (Marketing & Management)
    拔萃女書院 Diocesan Girls’ School

    奬項 Awards

    全港青年演講比賽即席演講組 連續兩年 全港冠軍


    國際演講會 Toastmasters International


    • 89大區評論演講比賽亞軍 District 89 Evaluation Contest 1st Runner Up ( contestants from Shenzhen, Guangzhou , Xiamen, Zhuhai , Macau etc.)
    • 評論演講比賽香港代表 Division K Representative in Evaluation Contest 
    • 三項區賽冠軍 Champions of Area K3 International Speech Contest/ Table Topic Contest / Evaluation Contest 
    • 春季高峰會司儀選拔之最佳司儀及觀眾最喜愛的司儀 Best Emcee and Audience’s Favourite Emcee

    語言 Language

    廣東話 Cantonese
    英語 English
    普通話 Mandarin
    基本潮汕語 Basic Holo Dialect

    基本日語 Basic Japanese ( JLPT N4 )

    身高 Height

    164 cm



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